Fast Feet

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Der Clan Fast Feet wurde am Lundi, den 45. Tag des Herbstes 573 gegründet. Zu den Gründungsmitgliedern gehören Dresko, Glamdring, Gravier, Lafaborn und Leda. Desweiteren war Tofor anwesend, der so bald wie möglich offiziell aufgenommen wird.

Bei Werrin wurden alle Urkunden ausgefüllt und ein Baumeister für das Clanhaus erbeten, welches 2 Meilen süd des Stadtzentrums errichtet werden soll. Nachdem der Baumeister Cas Luath im Schutz des Sturmes am Tag 4 im Frühling 574 eintraf, schritten die Bauarbeiten rasch voran, so dass schon 60 Tage später, am Merdi, Tag 64 im Frühling 574 das Haus errichtet war. Noch am selben Tag wurde der Clan ordnungsgemäß in die Bücher eingetragen.

Seitdem wurde Tofor offiziell in den Clan aufgenommen und die Mitglieder haben die weitere Aufstellung des Clans diskutiert.


Clan Charter

  • The Clan is called Fast Feet, abbreviated FF.
  • The Clans goals are the exploration and investigation of the unknown and providing everyone with an opportunity to see hard or interesting areas by holding an open hunt every few weeks. The hunts will be announced in the official forum and everyone is welcome to join.
  • All members of the Clan are equal, there is no outstanding office.
  • The Clan is held together by the common goals, members are not forced to wear a particular outfit or train in a special way.
  • New members do not have to fulfil any requirements but a curiousness for new things and getting along well with the current Clanmembers. New members can either be proposed by Clanmembers or may approach any Clanmember to ask for membership. If none of the Clanmembers places a Veto, the aspirant is allowed to join the Clan. Whether the new clanmember or the clan will pay the fee for recruiting is handled seperately in each case.
  • Clanmembers are encouraged to be helpful wherever they can, be it with knowledge, fast travelling, chaining or healing, especially to the younger members of the community.
  • If a member is particularly misbehaved or reflects badly on the clan, the Clan will warn the member that he is in danger of expulsion if he does not change his ways. Punishments or exclusion can only be decided if all other clanmembers decide unanimously.
  • Clanmeetings will be held once a month in the clanhouse. The date will be announced on the clan board and participation is no duty. Important decisions will be discussed on the clan board to give every member the chance to speak up.
  • Changes to these statutes are only possible, if all Clanmembers reach consensus about the changes.
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